学堂云雨课堂走进心理学期末考试答案Final Exam

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1.单选题 (2分)

Psychologist Ebbinghaus once said, “psychology has a long past but only a short history”. This is because…

2.单选题 (2分)

When we walk out of the movie theatre, everything seems so bright at first, only to become normal a few seconds later. This is a phenomenon called…

3.判断题 (2分)

The main function of the neurotransmitter is to preserve the speed and integrity of the neural signal as it propagates down the axon.

4.判断题 (2分)

Sensation is defined as the organization and interpretation of stimuli, and perception is defined as the process we use to detect sensory stimuli in the environment.

5.单选题 (2分)

Digit span normally holds a bit more in terms of working memory capacity than does letter span because people tend to use a technic called ()

6.判断题 (2分)

Securely attached children can confidently explore the environment and rejoin with mother to sooth anxiety.

7.单选题 (2分)

The classic experiments for testing the theory of mind is().

8.填空题 (2分)

When you look around in the dark movie hall, you are mostly relying on the

cells on your retina.

9.填空题 (2分)

The Wernicke’s area and Broca’s area are both in the


10.判断题 (2分)

With regard to the two ways of turning information from working memory to long-term memory, elaboration is much more effective when you test the immediate result.

11.填空题 (2分)

Our nervous system can be divided into two parts,

and the peripheral nervous system.

12.单选题 (2分)

Children being raised in a Japanese-speaking culture lose the ability to distinguish between the sounds made by the letters R and L, as the letter L is not part of the Japanese language. This fact is an evidence for which of the following notion?

13.判断题 (2分)

The hypothalamus mainly regulates emotional responses.

14.单选题 (2分)

Who pointed out that individuals can use heuristics to make decisions rather than a strict rigid rule of optimization?

15.填空题 (4分)

For older adults,

intelligence may have declined rapidly, while

intelligence is still on increase.

16.单选题 (2分)

Which of the following is NOT true about the cerebral cortex?

17.单选题 (2分)

According to the The Thatcher illusion, which option is correct about face recognition?

18.单选题 (2分)

Which of the following option about EEG is correct?

19.单选题 (2分)

Children raised under the ______ style of parenting tend to be very obedient and wishes to rebel is very much suppressed at the same time.

20.单选题 (2分)

During the the sensory motor stage, which of the following has individual differences among children?

21.单选题 (2分)

A group of neuroscientists has designed silicon chips to mimic the signal processing that neurons in the hippocampus do. By implanting chips like these in their brain, they most likely wants to help people whose brains have suffered damage from Alzheimer’s, stroke, or injury to ()

22.单选题 (2分)

Which of the following is correct about occipital lobes.

23.单选题 (2分)

The sensory receptors in the eye are found on the ()

24.单选题 (2分)

When we stare at the starry night, it is easier to find a star when we look from the corner of our eyes. This is because…

25.单选题 (2分)

The Ebbinghaus curve shows that our recall rate decline due to ()

26.单选题 (2分)

Psychology is defined as the science of behavior and…

27.判断题 (2分)

It is often hard to detect our own spelling error, because our bottom-up processing will “auto-correct” our spelling error.

28.填空题 (2分)

During the magic show, there are large changes that happened to our visual field that we did not notice. This is called

.29.单选题 (2分)

Some people will feel dizzy and even vomit when riding a ship. These people are more sensitive with…

30.填空题 (2分)

For infants, things out of sight are literally out of mind. Because they have not yet acquired the concept of

.31.判断题 (2分)

Psychology starts to become a branch of the natural sciences during the Renaissance.

32.判断题 (2分)

The "Melatonin"(脑白金) TV advertisements use elaboration as memory encoding way to leave a fairly deep trace in the viewers' mind.

33.单选题 (2分)

If we stare at a wall painted with red pigments a long time and then turn to a white wall, what shall we see?

34.单选题 (2分)

tDCS is a non-invasive, painless procedure that uses low levels of current to stimulate specific brain regions. Cognitive neurologist used tDCS to stimulate the occipital cortex of participants in the first group. In the second group, tDCS was used to stimulate the frontal lobe. And in the third group, tDCS was used to stimulate the temporal lobe. Which group of participants will significantly improve their frequency of spontaneous thinking and meditation?

35.单选题 (2分)

Which of the following is episodic memory?

36.单选题 (2分)

Which of the following options about hypothalamus is not correct?

37.单选题 (2分)

( ) extends from the medulla oblongata(延髓) in the brainstem(脑干) to the lumbar region of the vertebral column(脊椎).

38.单选题 (2分)

When we look at a coin from different angles, although its shape appears to be different types of oval, we still think it is circular. This is because our shape perception is guided by ( )

39.填空题 (2分)

memory briefly holds information without meaningful encoding. (注意大小写)

40.单选题 (2分)

Accoring to national polls, young adults in China marry at an average age of 26.  According to Erikson their major developmental task at this point of life is _______

41.判断题 (2分)

The autonomic nervous system can be divided into the sympathetic and the parasympathetic system.

42.单选题 (2分)

Which of the following is not included in procedural memory?

43.判断题 (2分)

The purpose of the original marshmallow experiment was to understand the function of frontal lobe that's been developed during the critical years in our early life.

44.填空题 (2分)

psychology is a branch that focuses on internal state, such as motivation, problem solving, decision making, thinking and attention. (注意大小写)

45.单选题 (2分)

The processing of the sense of smell is very similar to the processing of the sense of ( ).

46.单选题 (2分)

The most important task to learn at the concrete operational stage which spans between 7 to 12 years of age is().

47.填空题 (2分)

When we look at an object, its image is slightly different in two eyes, and this helps to provide depth perception. This is a case of


48.单选题 (2分)

According to the historical case of Phineas Gage, why were Phineas gage’s friends and acquaintances said he was “no longer Gage” after the injury?

49.单选题 (2分)

Since memories can be distorted, the U.S. Department of Justice (1999) has published national guidelines for gathering eyewitness testimony. Which of the following factors can affect the accuracy of eyewitnesses reports?


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